Avoid Set Sail Bug – Ultimate Guide to Success
Ahoy, fellow pirates! In today’s guide, I’m going to show you how to set sail in Skull and Bones and also how to fix if you are stuck and unable to set sail in Skull and Bones.
When your ship is docked, you can set sail from anywhere by pressing the “Set Sail” button found on the lower right portion of the screen.
For PC players, that button is usually the “Z” key, or if you are close to your ship, you will see the option to embark by pressing “F” on your keyboard. Now, some players are getting stuck and unable to set sail in Skull and Bones. To fix that, it’s pretty simple.
Head back to the Main Menu by going to Settings, then Quit to Main Menu option. You can immediately resume the game afterwards and the problem will be fixed.
If you want to watch the full step by step video guide on how to set sail and also how to fix the set sail bug, click on the video below: