How to Change World Settings & Level Up Super Fast in Palworld – Quick Guide

Gaming Guides Palworld

Wazzup Everyone, Welcome back to another video guide on how to change World settings in Palworld and also how you can level up extremely fast.

If you are already playing, the first thing you need to do is press the “Tab” key on your keyboard to open up your main menu, then hover over to the options section and click on it. After that, hover over the “return to title” button and click on it.

Now that you are back at the starting game screen, click on “start game.” On the next screen, select the world you wish to change the settings for, then at the bottom of your screen, select the option “change world settings.” This is also how you change difficulty in Palworld.

You can choose from preset modes like Casual, Normal, and Hard, or you can customize to your liking. To do that, click on the custom button. On this screen, you can change pretty much everything, from how much experience rate you will get once you either kill or capture a pal in Palworld, to how fast you and your pal can recover from damage, whether when you die you will drop all of your items or not, and much more.

Once you have changed all the settings to your liking, click on the “OK” button, then click “OK” one more time, and finally confirm to save it. After that, select your world and click on “start game” again.

If you just want to make sure it’s actually working, or just want to level up faster in palworld, set your XP to 20 and catch some pals in Palworld, and you will see you will be getting a whole lot more XP.

If you want to watch the full video guide on how to change World settings in Palworld on Youtube, please click on the video below: