Skull and Bones – How to Fast Travel and How to Unlock fast Travel Points
Ahoy, fellow pirates! In today’s guide, I’m going to show you how to unlock fast travel points and also how to fast travel in Skull and Bones.
Fast traveling in Skull and Bones is essential, but you will notice that at first, there are no fast travel points showing up on your menu. This means you need to unlock at least two Outposts between which you can fast travel. The first one everyone will get right away is Sainte-Anne.
So, while sailing around, you will come across undiscovered areas which will display a circular icon with a question mark inside. All you need to do to unlock a new fast travel point is disembark at that location by holding the āSā key. There are two options for fast traveling in Skull and Bones.
The first one is from the ship customization menu. If your ship is docked, press the Z key on your keyboard from anywhere in the settlement, or if you are close to your ship, you can also press the “F” key. Then, at the top left side of your screen, you will see the fast travel option.
Click on it, and your map will open. You can fast travel to any place where you see an icon with two white arrows.
To do that, just hover over that location and keep pressing the left mouse button until it completes a full circle. The other option on how to fast travel in Skull and Bones is to just open the map while you’re in an outpost or den, and then select your destination.
If you want to watch the full video guide on how to fast travel in Skull and Bones, click on the video below: